Anthony Melchiorri of Travel Channel’s Hotel Impossible came to Western Riviera!
When Anthony came out to Western Riviera, he didn’t know he was in for a big surprise. Immediately upon arriving, he knew that Grand Lake, Colorado was an amazing town; a hidden gem that the world needed to know about.
While impressed with the cleanliness and upkeep of the hotel, he had some very valuable lessons on how to get more people to experience this winter wonderland. Along with great advice, his designer Blanche Garcia did an amazing job remodeling one of our rooms.
It was an amazing time for us and the town of Grand Lake!
Scroll down to see pictures and video from the episode.

“I will go on record saying it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been,” he said. “I was blown away. Grand Lake is a piece of art. Every single time you turn around there is either frozen lake with a beautiful cloud over it, or there’s a part of the lake that’s not frozen with a sun over it, or there’s a mountain by itself or a formation of mountains. I’ve not seen the same landscape since I’ve been here.
And then you take this beautiful town of Grand Lake that looks like the back lot of a Hollywood studio and you incorporate that with just beautiful open-hearted people that know each other – it’s my favorite place, and it is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. And I thought Alaska and Hawaii would be tops, and this surprised me.” – from Sky-Hi News article by Tonya Bina